Monday, October 19, 2009

A quickie: granite edition.

I was going to write the big WE GOT OUR COUNTERTOPS! post tonight, but it's way past my bedtime and there's a warm, sleeping dog on me and I'm just not feeling it.

I DO want to post just one lil' baby pic right quick.

Freshly mopped floors (probably need one more cleaning to get rid of the rest of the grout haze), a newly mounted apron sink, and frigging MIRROR-LIKE ubatuba granite countertops.
There's so much there in that picture that makes me happy.

Jeff's putting on cabinet fronts and installing the stove and microwave tonight/tomorrow, I believe.

I keep thinking about the different stages this room has gone through in the past couple of months and I'm kind of floored that it's really starting to look like our kitchen now.

Can't wait to post before and afters, oh my gosh.

Anyway. More tomorrow.
Tonight, bed.


Ahhhh that sink and faucet are so hot.

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