Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Pictures = ideas = decor overload.

This is a nursery, but the use of yellow and red with that wall color is making me wonder about how to handle the office . . .
They're so pretty and energizing in there. Black and white would be a little more masculine (which, since Nate's gonna be spending time in there, is important), but there's something REALLY charming about cute little prints with happy colors.

10 bucks says Nate will see this and say "NOPE!"

Another nursery (I swear I'm not pregnant), but wallpapering the ceiling is the coolest idea ever. It's Sherwin Williams, I recognize it Julia Rothman for Hygge & West. I've been looking at too much wallpaper lately, but Lexa holds it down for me.
They have it in a grey version . . .
But man. I have a feeling that wallpapering a ceiling is also the toughest, most tedious thing ever, too.

Ummmmmm speaking of tedious, I had a ton of pictures that followed these but when I tried to update, it gave me an error and this is all that auto-save kept.

Not gonna give up and scrap the rest, but I sure as crap ain't doing it all over again right this second.


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