Monday, September 14, 2009

Love makes you do such stupid things.

Can't help myself though.

I wish our house was in, around, near, LA. Just so I could see Lexa on a more-than-biennial basis.

Thanks for helping me simplify, on the biggest and smallest of scales and most scales in between.

*If anyone else is lucky enough to have someone like her, then, y'know. Luck is the perfectly apt word. It's like spotting a bald eagle or winning a free soft drink during McDonald's Monopoly or buying one Snuggie and getting a second for free plus the cost of shipping. Saving 79 cents on grapes with your Kroger Plus card. Buy one get one free at Payless. A sunny day with zero percent chance of frowning. Student discount at the movies. Saving more with Geico. This is Lexa's friendship to me.

Squirm away - I get that, and I do it myself, but damnit I love you and it makes me happy. The love, not the squirming.

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