Wednesday, December 9, 2009


What I did yesterday:

  • sold our couch for asking price on craigslist
  • returned giant bags of things to Home Depot that had been sitting around cluttering up the kitchen and living room, and both of these things gave me the funds to:
  • buy more organizational crap at Home Depot AND:
  • go to Kennesaw and buy the rest of the tile for our master bath remodel
  • drive to Dallas (where I have never, never been before) to buy end tables for $15!
  • brought all that crap back to the house
  • taped and painted a chalkboard on the cabinet panel beside the fridge
  • spray painted our end tables b-l-a-c-k  from the orangey pine color they were originally (before and after pic of that is on Nate's phone)
  • cleared out the entire living room and kitchen (which was a big feat, trust me)
  • swept the entire living room and kitchen
The end.  Nate put together some furniture while I did that stuff.  Our remaining tile and wallpaper (short by two feet on both counts originally) showed up, so the guys are starting work again today.  This round, they're doing the following:
  • exterior paint (which I need to go buy ASAP because they decided the conditions were right for that today) - pressure wash, trim, shutters, etc.
  • installing a new door from the laundry room to the patio and cutting out/installing a dog door for that
  • installing french doors to the patio
  • putting in the final toekick (goes around the island in the kitchen)
  • shelves for my bathroom 
  • finishing the wallpaper and backsplash
  • demolishing the tiny master bath
  • tiling it and installing new fixtures
When that's done, the only things we'll have left to do are the basement refinishing and adding a garage instead of the car port that's currently there.

Think we'll save those for the new year.

I was working on this stuff from 9 am to 11 pm yesterday, and I'm worn. out.  The days before that had me on my feet on that porcelain floor for hours and in the car port painting more furniture for hours and all I know is that my hamstrings SCREAM every time I sit down.  It's strange.

There aren't updates right now 'cause we're in the serious final push; I'm really looking forward, though, to having some time just before Christmas to sit down and write about everything that's been happening in the last month or so.  And BeforeAndAfters.  Ohhhh my goodness, can't wait to do BeforeAndAfters.

Quick pic of the tile for the master bath:

The marble mosaic at the top will be a 4-inch border that spans the room around chest height, the poorly-lit porcelain 8x12 underneath it (which is the same marble color as the broken mosaic) will be laid in a subway pattern around the entire room and shower stall, the dark grey mosaic will be a 4-inch border on the floor on all sides, and the cracked/broken mosaic will be the rest of our floor.  The whole room will be tiled and level, no divider between it and the shower stall.  We're installing a seamless glass door as the only divider.

It's gonna look like the tiniest freaking Roman spa you've ever seen.

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