Monday, December 14, 2009

Closing the door

Today we close on the mortgage at 4pm, provided there's no problems. I got my cashiers check and drivers license ready! Here's to hoping we get a big novelty check.

The past week has been nuts, hence the lack of updates. Things are taking form as we set up the new stuff. Last night Jesse helped me hang the tv and cut a couple holes in the drywall for the cabling, and with the sofa/coffee table set up it actually looks like we have a living room. We also set up our guest bedroom and stayed in there last night since the master bedroom is still a mess due to the bathroom renovation. The bathroom so far looks amazing; most of the tile is up on the wall. It should probably be done by tomorrow at the latest. I think I'm most excited about that bathroom; it's tiled top to bottom and we have dual shower heads.

The french doors got put in yesterday as well, laundry room door will probably go in today.

With that, we are just about finished. After the bathroom is done there is just a few odds and ends as well as paint touchups and then we're done, done, done. And just in time for our party, I might add. It's definitely a race to the finish line but it will definitely be worth it in the end.

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