Thursday, December 17, 2009

Christmas come early

It's done.

When I say it's done, I mean we're actually done. It's crazy to be at this point. There are only a couple of loose ends; we're still waiting on a shower door (next Wednesday) from Kennesaw Glass and Julio is coming back on Friday to seal the grout in the new bathroom. That and lighting (just two cans) which will be put in tomorrow as well.

The contractors worked until 8:30pm last night, which made it a 12 hour day for them. As the evening set in, there was a palpable sense of excitement around the place; maybe it was me projecting, but everyone seemed to be happy that the job was wrapping up and that we'd finally made it through the finish line. Everyone seemed to be genuinely happy with their work, with what they did, and with what we did. It kinda felt like Christmas. And they do have reason to be happy with their work, the house looks absolutely amazing.

And they cleaned. Oh did they clean. I even got them to vacuum out the inside of the cabinets since many of them had debris in them. You can actually see the tile now, although it probably needs a good wet mop to really bring out the color. Hell the house is almost party ready as it stands now and we haven't even brought our stuff out from the Pod yet.

I think after the party is over we'll have a detailed post-mortem of everything we've done and a lot of pictures with a real, non-iphone camera.

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