Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Eeeheeheehee heeeee, temporary wall time.

Our contractor duder is coming in on Thursday morning to put a temporary wall up next to the studs so we can knock those suckers OUT!

Then I have to wrangle him into a meeting to talk about:

*Creating a powder room
*Renovating the main bath and the bath off the master
*Bumping a wall up in the dining room
*Widening a hallwall behind that wall
*Knocking out bigger windows in the master
*Walling up that window in the kitchen
*Changing the sliding glass door to the backyard into french doors
*Who the hell to call about estimates for painting and flooring
*Molding ideas
*How to lay out our recessed lighting plan

And we need to get some dudes to pull out all the ivy in the back yard.
And we need to hunt down every last shred of wallpaper and tear it down.
And we need to rip up carpet (including the stuff in the basement) - but when? I wanna say after painting, so we can let it drip without fear of messing with our hardwoods. But.
This is why I need advice.

Anyway. Dude's getting started Thursday. And we're going to Ikea this week to get the kitchen planners up in this bish.

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