Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Square one

Although I couldn't be there this morning due to work-related reasons, Andrea met with a contractor this morning and we are now waiting on a quote. The guy has a crew and would be able to pretty much finish everything in less than two weeks starting Monday: that's including the kitchen, bathroom, and all the trim. Not sure when we're going to have a chance to tackle the master bathroom, because that will be a huge task in and of itself.

I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the quote will come in around what I am thinking it will. It will definitely be way more than what we planned to spend on labor, but at this point we are simply out of time and are going to pay if we're going to get to live there in any reasonable timeframe. But hopefully the promise of future jobs and/or paying in cash will help us negotiate a good deal.

In any case, there's a deceptively large amount of work to be done because there are simply so many loose ends. The more I think about it, the more I realize that Jeff never actually finished anything. Definitely a lesson to keep in mind for next time.

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